Travel FAQ

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I’ve been granted funds for a trip - what now?

STOP! If you are travelling internationally and you have not registered your travel with the Office of Study Abroad and International Exchange, please do so before beginning this process. See the section on International Travel for more details.

Whenever you travel on behalf of the U of A, a Travel Authorization (commonly referred to as a TA) must be entered on your behalf prior to the start of the trip. This authorizes University funds to be spent on your behalf or reimbursed to you at the conclusion of your trip, and creates the paperwork necessary to do so. It also grants you certain privileges, like eligibility for certain purchases to be made on your behalf by the U of A directly.

This is also the stage in the travel process where a Travel Advance is requested.

Planning, Booking, and Paying for Your Travel

Once a Travel Authorization (TA) has been approved by the Travel Office, you are ready to begin making purchases related to your travel.

NOTE: No purchases should be made prior to Travel Authorization approval, especially in the case of international travel, because these purchases will not be reimbursed without an approved Travel Authorization in the system.

While Traveling

Collect receipts for all of the expenses you incur. The Travel Office requires original and itemized receipts be turned in at the end of your trip. Credit card statements will not be accepted except in approved circumstances.

At the End of Your Trip 

At the conclusion of your trip, your travel arranger will help you to submit a Travel Claim (commonly called a TC). A Travel Claim is a request for reimbursement for travel costs.

Travel costs may only be reimbursed through a Travel Claim, and a Travel Claim may not be issued without an approved Travel Authorization. Please be sure to request a Travel Authorization prior to your travel! It will speed up the reimbursement process and ensure that your request for reimbursement is not denied.

International Travel on University Funds

If you will be traveling internationally on university business, you are required to register your trip with the Office of Study Abroad and International Exchange before you begin the basic travel process. The Study Abroad Office is first in the travel approval chain, and no University funds can be used for a trip until they have approved the trip.

Register your travel online
